TUESDAY – FRIDAY 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
SATURDAY By Appointment Only

(843) 931-1021


Discovery Series- April Event

Discovery Series- April Event

Discovery Series- April Event Join our April Discovery Series on Thursday, April 11. The event is from 6-8 pm at the  Timrod Library, 217 Central Avenue, Summerville. In April our guest is author Marissa Hale. Marissa Hale will hold a presentation and book signing...
Discovery Series- March Event

Discovery Series- March Event

Discovery Series- March Event Join our March  Discovery Series on March 14, at 6 pm at the Mount Tabor Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The address is 244 S. Main St., Ridgeville.  Join us for a discussion on the incredible paleo marine history of South Carolina. ...
Discovery Series- February Event

Discovery Series- February Event

Discovery Series- February Event Join our February Discovery Series on Thursday,  February 29 for a discussion on the history of black-owned businesses in St. George led by Shirley Chapman. The event begins at 6:00 pm. The location for this Discovery Series event is...
March Board Meeting

February Board Meeting

February Board Meeting The next DHC Board Meeting is set for Thursday, February 1, at 8:00 am. The meeting is held at the Greater Summerville/Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is located at  402 N Main St, Summerville, SC 29483. AGENDA 02 01...
Greenbelt Master Plan in Dorchester County

Greenbelt Master Plan in Dorchester County

Dorchester County will be holding two upcoming in-person public engagement sessions designed to gather community input for the development of the Greenbelt Master Plan. A greenbelt is an undeveloped land area around or within cities, safeguarded to preserve nature,...