TUESDAY – FRIDAY 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
SATURDAY By Appointment Only

(843) 931-1021


Family Tree Project

We have more than 75,000 linked names in our genealogy database. It’s easy to add your family’s info to the database using the form below. New to genealogy? Getting started is easy.

For specific requests and help with the Family Tree Project, contact us. We would love to hear more about your project. By talking directly with you, we can determine what is possible to provide, including lots of customization options. We always discuss options and prices prior to any work starting.

Genealogy and Family Tree FAQ:
How do I get started?
Fill out this form  to help us understand what information you have and what information you are looking for.

What Info is Required?
We require that submissions include names and birthdates for three generations on both sides of the family. Incomplete entries cannot be added to the database.

Why do you need so much information?
Providing the information above will let us verify the information and have the most chance of matching family names to at least one listing in our database. Sometimes we may not have a first or second-generation match, but the 3rd generation is listed.

Research Library

Dorchester Heritage Center’s research library houses about 2,750 volumes. The digital collections holds more than 47,970 files, with new files being added all the time.

Research Library Inventory:

Getting Started at the DHC  Research Library:

  1. Before your visit:
    Contact us to make an appointment. We can’t guarantee available space for walk-ins.
    The library is open Wednesday – Friday 9am-2pm.
  2. When you arrive:
    Complete the on-site registration form
    Library fee: free for members, $5 for non-members
  3. While at the library:
    Leave jackets, bags, and personal books in the car or at the front desk
    No food, drinks, or pens allowed
    Please handle our collection with care

View DHC Resource Library Guidelines

Veteran Initiatives

Our Veterans’ Database aims to honor Dorchester County military by collecting information on all veterans who were born in, live in or buried in Dorchester County. Use the forms below to take part in the Veterans’ Database Project.

You can also honor a veteran by purchasing a Flags of Honor in their memory or to honor them.  Flags are displayed in the Museum.

Veterans’ Database Project

Flags of Honor

Food Trucks

CALLING ALL FOOD TRUCKS!!! We are looking for local food trucks to sign up for space at Dorchester County’s NEWEST food truck park. Located directly across from the Walmart Distribution Center on HWY 78. With Walmart’s 1000 employees + LOTS & LOTS of growth in the area.

Contact us about receiving 2 free days!

Your food truck will THRIVE!

Food Truck Agreement


The new REV Pavilion will soon be available for event rental. Check back with us soon for details.

Pavilion Rental Form